How to Radiantly Glow Up by New Year 2024

Glow Up by New Year
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  • How to Radiantly Glow Up by New Year 2024

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Glow Up by New Year: Transforming Your Life for a Fresh Start

Each year we make New Year’s Resolutions and we laugh about how we never keep them up. I’ve seen it year after year with friends and family and even at jobs with co-workers.

I’m guilty of this too.

I do not know what it is for you but I think for me it may be that I do not set a deadline or a due date for my resolution. 

I always work better under the pressure of a deadline, so for this New Year I’m not going to set New Years Resolutions.

Yes, you heard me right.

I’m glowing up BEFORE the New Year.

My resolutions start now!

Why wait until the New Year to chase those dreams when you can glow up like a boss right now?

While everyone else is nursing a champagne hangover and struggling to spell “resolution,” you’ll be strutting into January like you’ve been living your best life since November!

It’s all about turning the “new year, new me” cliché into “new me, who dis?”

So go ahead, level up while the rest are still trying to find their gym keys and that salad they bought in a fit of optimism.

Cheers to a head start on the glow-up game, because why not be your future self’s role model instead of their competition?

So, come on this journey with me and see what changes I am making in my life and what changes I recommend to anyone who wants to level up or glow up by New Year.

First, let me explain my concept of a “glow up.”

The concept of a “glow up” refers to a personal transformation, typically a positive and significant one, in various aspects of an individual’s life.

This transformation is not limited to just one area but encompasses physical, mental, and emotional aspects, often resulting in a more confident, healthier, and happier version of oneself.

The term “glow up” originally gained popularity on social media, especially platforms like Instagram and TikTok, where individuals would share their before-and-after photos or stories of their transformations.

What is a "glow up"?

First, let me explain my concept of a glow up.

The concept of a “glow up” refers to a personal transformation, typically a positive and significant one, in various aspects of an individual’s life.

This transformation is not limited to just one area but encompasses physical, mental, and emotional aspects, often resulting in a more confident, healthier, and happier version of oneself.

The term “glow up” originally gained popularity on social media, especially platforms like Instagram and TikTok, where individuals would share their before-and-after photos or stories of their transformations.

Why "glow up"?

Now that we know what a “glow up” is, let’s look at WHY we need this to begin with.

8 Reasons to Glow Up this Season

The significance of a glow up is multi-faceted:

1️⃣ Self-Improvement

A glow up represents a commitment to self-improvement and personal growth.

It’s a conscious effort to become a better version of oneself, both for personal satisfaction and to reach one’s full potential.

2️⃣ Boosted Confidence

A successful glow up can lead to increased self-confidence and self-esteem.

As you work on various aspects of your life, such as physical fitness, grooming, or acquiring new skills, you become more self-assured and proud of your accomplishments.

3️⃣ Health and Well-Being

Many glow ups involve making healthier lifestyle choices, such as adopting a balanced diet, exercise routine, and self-care practices.

This not only enhances your physical appearance but also improves your overall well-being.

4️⃣ Positive Mindset

A glow up often includes developing a more positive mindset, practicing gratitude, and learning to manage stress.

This shift in mentality can have a profound impact on your emotional health and resilience.

5️⃣ New Opportunities

A glow up can open doors to new opportunities in various aspects of life, from career advancements to improved personal relationships.

When you present yourself with confidence and poise, you’re more likely to attract positive experiences and people into your life.

6️⃣ Motivation and Inspiration

Glow ups can inspire and motivate others.

Sharing your transformation journey can encourage others to embark on their own paths of self-improvement and personal growth.

7️⃣ Fresh Start

The idea of a glow up aligns with the concept of starting fresh, which often occurs at significant points in life, such as the start of a new year.

It’s an opportunity to shed old habits or negative experiences and embrace a more positive, hopeful future.

8️⃣ Social Validation

In today’s social media-driven world, a successful glow up can garner attention and validation from peers and followers, which can further boost one’s self-esteem and motivation to continue their transformation.

I don’t know who else can relate but I have been in a funk lately.

Trying to navigate life, building a business and trying to make ends meet while on a healing journey is not for the faint of heart.

My primary goal for this season is to develop a more calming lifestyle, focusing on nurturing my nervous system, finding peace, and embracing positivity.

✅Prioritizing Nervous System Regulation

After leaving a job that drained me for two years, I recognized the importance of prioritizing my mental and emotional health.

I aim to cultivate a lifestyle that supports my nervous system and emotional well-being.

Practicing mindfulness and meditation daily to reduce stress and anxiety.

Incorporating deep breathing exercises to stay grounded and centered during challenging moments.

✅Choosing a Calmer Work Environment

I’ve made the courageous decision to leave a demanding job and return to a previous position at a gym where the atmosphere is more calming and positive.

The change in work environment not only reduces stress but also allows me to focus on my well-being and passion for fitness.

✅Eliminating Alcohol and Embracing Healthier Alternatives

I’ve taken a significant step toward my glow up by quitting alcohol and embracing a healthier lifestyle.

I’ve swapped alcoholic drinks for mocktails and adrenal cocktails.

Reducing alcohol consumption not only benefits my physical health but also contributes to my emotional stability.

✅Revisiting the Healthy Girl Era Lifestyle

I am recommitting to the “healthy girl era” lifestyle, which includes maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a commitment to overall well-being.

Prioritizing self-care through activities like yoga, hiking, and nurturing my body with wholesome, nourishing foods.

✅Fostering a Positive Support System

Surrounding myself with positive and supportive individuals who encourage my personal growth.

Connecting with friends and family who share my values and provide emotional support.

✅Setting Realistic Goals and Tracking Progress

Establishing clear, achievable goals for each aspect of my transformation.

Regularly tracking my progress and celebrating small wins along the way to maintain motivation.

In addition to all that I have mentioned, for the past 3 months I have been working on my skin.

I have another blog post where I talk all about my journey from to start to present and I go over everything I am doing to achieve beautiful glowing skin.

This season marks the beginning of my journey to glow up in a way that aligns with my inner peace, well-being, and happiness.

By focusing on nurturing my nervous system, choosing a calm work environment, making healthier lifestyle choices, and revisiting a balanced approach to life, I aim to become the best version of myself.

I hope that by sharing my personal journey, I can inspire and motivate others to embark on their own paths of self-improvement and positive transformation.

Here’s to a season of growth, peace, and a brighter, more empowered future.

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